Really Thankful
By Scott Davidson:
Thankfulness, gratitude, grace, mercy, abundance, provision, peace, partakers of His inheritance, enrichment, increase, contentment, freedom, blessing, richness, generosity, overflow, compassion, strength, love, endurance, joy, gladness.
As we approach the Christmas holiday and mingle with family a few words stand out to me regarding my own posture and attitude about being thankful on the inside.
The scriptures open up to us the idea that living in Gratitude and Thankfulness will open the door for the miraculous to take place in our lives. I want that…
Jesus gave us a great example of how to express thankfulness when He fed the multitudes of people. (Sometimes during the holidays it feels like we are feeding the multitudes but as extravagant as these days can seem with ample food everywhere as we gather for a feast with our family; that pales in comparison to what Jesus did). Despite an obvious lack of supply while facing an impossible situation, Jesus, moved with compassion, gave thanks for what he did have (a few small fish and some bread) and began to give it away. What he did have, multiplied in his hands as he gave it away and the miracle of feeding thousands of people happened with basketfuls of leftovers….more than he even started with and everyone was fed.
Be thankful. Truly. Welcome to the miraculous.
Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.